Are you getting education or you are just schooling? Instructions end in the classroom but education end the day you die. There are certain things expected from you as a student. If you are not able to meet such standards , then people will begin wonder whether you actually paid your school fees or bought gala with it. If I may ask, did you pay your school fees or you bought gala with it? begin to examine yourself. Socrates made a powerful statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. The efficacy of education cannot be over-emphasized. Little wonder Nelson Mandela made a statement, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. In this article, I have pointed out few things expected from you as a student. If you are not meeting the standard, it means that you bought gala with your school fees.
1. You are not ready to learn Many students are already old in their minds. Let me ask a simple question, are you growing or you are just growing old?. Death begins the day you stop learning. Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young”. As a student, you are expected to lean willingly. You don’t need others to advice you before you take learning as your number one priority. If you are not willing to learn at this level, then you used your last school fees to buy gala.
2. You cannot express yourself in English As a student, you should be able to express yourself in simple and correct English. English language has come to be the most diffused language in the world, followed closely only by the Mandarin language. That is to say, irrespective of your specialty, it is imperative you are able to communicate fluently in English. I read somewhere that:
Some students use their course of study as excuses for why they don’t have certain knowledge. No one disputes the fact that you should take your study course seriously. However, know little about every other important things around. In conclusion, irrespective of your study course, if you cannot communicate effectively in English, it means you bought gala with your school fees.
3. If you cannot write up to 300 words If you didn’t learn anything in school, then it should not be writing skills. As a student you should be able to express yourself in both written and spoken English. Even if it is just 300 words. To be honest, if you cannot write more than 300 words correctly on your own, it means you bought gala with your school fees. Cassandra Clare said something very interesting about writing, “We live and breathe words. …. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely sometimes and afraid, but always brave; the way you saw the world, its colors and textures and sounds, I felt–I felt the way you thought, hoped, felt, dreamt”. It is not too late to start practicing how to express yourself with paper and pen. You will be glad you did.
4. You cannot write letter If you still search google or meet people to write for you, then you bought gala with your school fees. You don’t need to be a perfect writer; be a passionate writer. Action needs passion, or it will be sanctioned. As a student, it is imperative you improve on your writing skill with every passing day. It helps a lot.
5. You Don’t know the capital of Chile As a student, you should know and understand simple current affairs. Many students know the latest song of Lady Gaga but do not know the president of Uganda. If I may ask, what is the capital of Chile? We live in a world where students misplace priority. We take minor things majorly and take the things that really matter for granted. If you still don’t know simple geography then you bought gala with your school fees.
6. Using shortlinks in exams is your hobby WhatsApp, as well as other social networks has really affected the way we write. Sad enough, we tend to answer use of English and other examination questions the way we reply WhatsApp messages. I class the process of using lol, kk, brb, asap and other terrible stuffs in exam as shortlink. If you still do this, then you deserved to be arrested. You used your school fees to buy gala.
7. You have reading problem You were taught how to read and write in primary school. By now, you are expected to have overcome all the challenges in reading and writing, However, this is not true for some persons. If you still have reading problem. Then you did not only use your school fees to buy gala, you also bought lacasera and Ice-cream
8. You never practice We learn more by practice. If you do not go through what you have been taught to see how you can utilize it to be a better person, then you certain bought gala with you school fees. Martha Graham said,
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