You can read how
Bharti Airtel is considering possible buy over of
9mobile – the rebranded Etisalat. Meanwhile, Bharti
Airtel has rebranded many number of times.
There are strong indications that Bharti Airtel will
emerged as a potential bidder for Etisalat
(officially known as 9mobile), as the Indian
company is looking to boosts its assets in
France’s Orange mobile and United Kingdom
Vodafone’s had earlier emerged as 9mobile
potential bidders. If you recall that the two
companies were said to be in strong running to
buy 65% of the telco but Vodafone lost the
opportunity to operate in Nigeria as the company
turned down request by the Bureau of Public
Enterprises (BPE) to buy the NITEL in the days of
Currently, Nigeria is Bharti Airtel market where it
generates about 30% of its revenues and buying
9mobile would see it overtake Globacom and give
the company chance to compete with leader MTN.
Ever since Airtel bought Zain Group’s sub-Saharan
African asset, it is not still yet among the top two
operators in the country.
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