I want to manually verify Google Adsense address but the address in my AdSense account does not match with the ones in my documents, What should I do? This has been my question for the last two months. I surfed the net continuously but it seemed everyone was shying away from answering the question.
In this article, I will share how my friend and I got Google Adsense address verified even when our address in Documents did match the one in Adsense account.
There can be many circumstances where to Manually verify Google AdSense address becomes an issue. I will break it down into two scenarios.
The first scenario is when non of your documents match the address specified in your Google Adsense account and the second is when you do not have official documents that bears the same address with one used to order the PIN but a non official one.
Before you continue, you should understand that Google generally specifies the following documents to enable you manually verify Google Adsense address:
International passport.
Driver’s license.
Electricity bill
National Id card and
Bank statement.
Now let me take the two scenarios I mentioned earlier step by step:
How To Manually verify Google Adsense address When Non of Your Documents Match The Address Specified in your Google Adsense Account
If this is your problem, manual adsense address verification is still very possible for you. This was the case of my friend and his addres got verify by Google Adsense team.
Have you waited for thirty days after your last (3rd) pin was generated? All you need to do in this case is to send an email to Adsense support. Ensure to send it with the address you used to get Google Adsense approval.
The Google Adsense Support email address is
Adsense-support@google.com Give them explanations. The email should look like this:
Hello Adsense Team
I applied for Google Adsense pin two times with my address and the pin never got to me. I felt it was because my address is very far from the city. I had to use this address (specify the one you used to request your last pin) because it is closer to the city than my permanent address (Specify the address in your documents). I believed that I would receive the pin this time.Yet, I did not receive the pin. It is thirty days since I requested my last pin.
I have attached my documents to this email to help fasten the verification. I hope this helps. My Id is Pub-……… Thanks.
They will reply you within two working days stating that your account has been approved. You must wait 30 days after you requested your third pin to get fast response.
Google Adsense Manual Address Verification When you do not have official documents that bear the same address with the one in your Adsense account but a non official One.
This was my situation. I used my college address to order my Adsense pin. Certainly, I won’t have an official (Government issued) document that will show my school address. Since no website could answer my question and time was running out, I had to take decision.
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My fear was that Google Adsense team would ban my account if the address is different. This is because Google warns that the payee name and address in the documents must be the same as specified when ordering the pin to get verified. But I ask myself a simple question, can Google ban account just like that? Certainly no.
To cut the long story short, I changed my Address to the one in my documents. I uploaded my school Id card first, then other documents. I got approved instantly.
In your case, upload the unofficial Id card or any document that match the address used to order the pin first and add the official document(s). You will certainly get verified.
CONCLUSION : Google Adsense team are not as wicked or strict like we think.
So long you have waited for 30 days after your third pin was generated, your Google Adsense address will definitely get verified manually. Google will not ban or close your account.
I got verified on the 20th of March and still got payment the same day. I was like, “Does Google Adsense pay on the 20th?”.
Remember that to get paid, you must add your payment account and have up to $100 in your Google Adsense account.
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