How to pass neco 2018 is what we shall discuss in this article. I have already discussed
how to pass waec 2018 once and for all as well as how to pass Jamb 2018 without expo.
If you have ever asked the question; Is it possible to pass neco once and for all without runs or expo? then continue reading because this article is about to answer your question.
Now, you may be scared by the common saying that the National Examination Council Exam-NECO is more difficult to pass than waec. I would not argue about that. However, I see thousands of candidates blast neco every year. That suggests that success in Neco is not only fact but reality.
Your success in Neco 2018 is not only fact but reality.
Every Neco candidate needs information as regards Neco registration, examination date, timetable, syllabus and release of Neco 2018 results.
Some candidates fail Neco, not because they are dull or not brighter, but because they are not ordered. The steps below will order you to pass Neco 2018.
1. Reset your mindset.
2. Set targets and plan how to actualize it.
3. Get recommended books for Neco 2018.
4. Get waec or neco past questions.
5. Start your reading.
6. Don’t skip examples and exercises.
7. Solve problems in past questions.
8. Put yourself in exam condition to see how Neco 2018 would be like.
9. Engage in Constant practice
10. Do constant revision.
11. Attend Classes or lecture houses.
See the details of the points I have listed below…..
1. RESET YOUR MIND: Let me begin by saying that until your mind is reset, you life will not be set.
As you prepare for neco 2018, you must develop a positive mindset towards your fate. Don’t say, “Neco is very hard and I will fail…..” and don’t believe anyone that says you cannot pass neco on your own.
Have the mentality, “If others passed neco in the past, then I will be like then. Refuse to be identified with failure or those that failed in the past.
Even if this year’s neco is not your first time, it doesn’t mean that you cannot pass neco this time around. Sit for neco 2018/2019 will a refined mindset. Nothing will make you fail neco 2018.
Until your mind is reset, you life will not be set.
2. SET TARGETS AND WORK HARD TO ACTUALISE IT: You have decided to pass neco 2018 and I am sure of that. Now, the next thing you should do is set targets.
Write down the number of As, Bs, Cs, Ds, And Fs you want to get in Neco 2018. If you want zero Fs and Zero Es then you should start planning it now.
You have told yourself, “I will not score any E8 in Neco 2018”, that’s not all. You need to plan how to make it happen. Create a timetable and master plan to achieve your goals.
It takes nothing to dream but it takes everything to focus on your dream. Work smarter…
3. GET RECOMMENDED BOOKS FOR NECO 2018: Normally, Neco recommends books for the examination. But apart from neco literature in English where certain novels are compulsory, you are free to use any good textbook to prepare for Neco 2018 exam.
Some textbooks are more difficult to understand. If you have any subject you are finding difficult to understand, then get a textbook that will simplify the topics and make life better for you.
4. GET NECO OR WAEC PAST QUESTIONS: Since neco and waec are the same standard, you could use the same past questions to study for both.
How to get neco or waec past questions ? They are sold in good bookshops around. The school where you registered could offer to give you past questions.
5. START YOUR READING: Now that you have gotten textbooks and past questions, what next? Begin your reading. Early practice is good for you.
6. DON’T SKIP EXAMPLES AND EXERCISES: Secondary school students are fond of skipping exercises and even examples while studying textbooks.
In fact, “we” loved note books so much that we could ask, “can I read my notebook and pass neco 2018?” Lol. Don’t be scared of attempting exercises. Face it!
7 SOLVE PROBLEMS IN PAST QUESTIONS : Do not read past questions; answer past questions. Ensure to understand and solve each problem.
If you find any question difficult while attempting past questions, then feel free to consult your book for broad knowledge about the topic. This will also help you in the
university admission screening .
8. TEST YOURSELF: Once in a while, answer full one year past questions on your own without checking the answers. Then mark to see your score.
9. DO CONSTANT PRACTICE: Don’t get discouraged when certain subjects or topics are annoying, keep on practising until you master everything. Never give up and never say never. Keep on keeping on….
10. DO CONSTANT REVISION: Don’t just read a topic and forget about it. Always to through what you have read over and over again.
11. ATTEND CLASSES OR LECTURE HOUSES: Attending regular classes makes it easier for you to do well in Neco. Do not feel too big to learn from teachers no matter how small or dull they may be.
In addition to normal classes, you could decide to attend a good lecture hour around. It helps.
Hope you found this article helpful? Feel free to share this idea with other Neco candidates. I wish you the very best.