Having created a new blog, the first question that comes to the mind of every serious blogger is how to write great blog posts. The second question that comes to mind is, “how do I drive traffic to my new blog”? These are frequently asked questions by new bloggers.
If you are a new blogger who ultimately wants to monetize with Google AdSense, It is imperative you create a high quality and Unique content. Google usually check this out in their Google AdSense second review process .
Also, to get Google AdSense approval with you new blog, you need to ensure that your first 20 blog posts are highly unique. Google hates duplicate content.
In my article on how to rank Google front page with a new blog , I made it clear that you can start driving organic traffic to your blog right from day one. This can be achieved when you write great and SEO friendly articles consistently.
It is true that writing great blog posts is not an easy task. However, it is a very possible and profitable job. In this article, I will teach you how I write great blog posts that rank high in search results.
5 Steps to Write Great blog Posts and Drive traffic to Your Blog
If you are a new blogger who sincerely wants to write great blog posts and drive traffic with you new blog, the following steps will help you.
1, Create unique content.
When I talk about unique content, I mean content that is not common. Look for a topic that doesn’t exist everywhere.
Nothing makes you rank higher than when you create unique content. I can remember an article I wrote on 8 Signs that you bought gala with your school fees . That article has been on Google number one spot for a long time. The simple reason is that, it is the only article you will find that relates gala with school fees.
Your content should be able to provide a unique solution. Any content that cannot provide solution or fail to meet the expectation of readers is not a quality content.
In your quest to rank high, still try to make meaning out of your content. Write content for readers and not only search engines.
You don’t necessarily need to make all your articles unique. However, it is good you do that once in a while.
2, Make Your Blog Title Unique
For every unique content you make, let it have a unique title. The fact that you report the same news with your competitors doesn’t mean that you should have exactly the same blog title with them. Once in a while, make your blog title very unique.
Although I am not getting high organic traffic from it, yet my article on Guide to understanding student.txt is still doing very well on google search result.
Never use a misleading blog title. Let your title correspond with your content. Readers will begin to avoid your blog when they discover that you don’t give them credible results.
3, Write Great Blog Posts for Audience
Here, I will write about how you can drive traffic to your new blog with great articles. This can be achieved by writing hot cake posts. If I may ask, How many persons will search your kind of article on Google or Bing?
As a matter of fact, If your Niche doesn’t have a large audience, you will suffer both organic and direct traffic.
Write articles that a great number of persons will search for or like to read. Follow trend…
4, Do Keyword Research
We all celebrate great content as king forgetting what makes content the king. It is Keywords that makes content king.
Search for keywords you will like to rank high for and optimize your article for that particular keyword.
Let your keyword appear in the title and URL of your article. In addition, let your focus keyword appear in the headlines of your blog posts.
Have the mentality, which keyword is trending now?
5, Make your article long A little
Research shows that the length of an article is directly proportional to its position in Google ranking.
Not all long articles are Great blog posts, but all great blog posts are long. Don’t let articles less than hundred words dominate your blog.
Make sure your articles are well written and more than 300 words. This will make readers enjoy your post. Ultimately, search engines will like and index your posts very fast.
In conclusion, creating content is very easy. What is difficult is the ability to create great content. Once in a while, strive to write great blog posts. This will make your articles rank on google front page.
If you are still having issues getting Google AdSense approval, you may want to read the two Great blog posts written by me below.
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