The road to success—while worth every step—is long and there are times along the way when you need a pick-me-up. For some people, reading an inspirational book is enough motivation to strive for achieving their dreams. Others seek the guidance of a mentor, like a Success Coach or a professor, to spur their drive for success. No matter where your inspiration comes from, remember that seeking encouragement from external sources is a valid and natural part of the success process. Behind every success story are the people who helped to make it happen, and this isn’t necessarily exclusive to the people connected personally to your life. There are countless individuals in the public eye who, through their actions, serve as inspirations. Be they actors, authors, innovators, or business leaders, these people exemplify success in every aspect of their lives—not simply their achievements. In many instances, influencers and inspirers share their words of wisdom in the hopes of motivating others to pursue greatness.