I will gist about waec 2018 timetable in this episode.
Before I go into details, it is good you have a sound knowledge of what timetable really is. According to Wikipedia, timetable is a kind of schedule that sets out times at which specific events are intended to occur.
In simple term, the waec timetable is an arrangement of all waec subjects plus the dates and time which the subjects would be written. Waec usually releases timetable after the official release of registration form .
For many candidates, the waec timetable is just a calendar you follow to write your exams. They don’t know that the waec 2018 timetable is meant to prepare them for the examinations properly. Below are few tips you need to make effective use of the waec 2018 timetable.
Tips To Use Waec Timetable 2018
1. Write out your subjects, the dates and time.
2. Engage in general revision few days to the examination and dwell more on the subjects you find difficult.
3. Focus on only your first paper a week to the exam. This would make it sweet and you will have energy to read for other papers.
4. Don’t read any other subject when it is two days to a particular subject.
5. When you have two papers that are separated by only one day, read the second one first before going to the subject you have first.
6. Ensure to be in the waec examination venue at least two hours to the examination so that you would be balance.
7. Try to be up to date in cases of changes in the timetable.
8. Have a personal copy of the waec timetable and syllabus.
9. Go through your timetable daily so that you don’t miss any paper.
10. Don’t go to the hall when you are not having paper that day.
See Also: waec syllabus and hot topics for all subjects
Other Episodes On The Series:
1. part 1: Writing waec & Neco from ss1 or ss2
2. part 2: How not to be scared of waec and neco
3. part 3: How to read for waec and neco
4. part 4: Pass waec without maths knowledge
5. Part 5: Waec GCE Past Questions & Answers
6. part 6: Waec and neco questions and answers
7. Parr 7: Clear all your papers in waec and neco
part 8: Why Many Good Christians Fail Waec & neco
part 9: Should I use notebooks to read for waec/neco ?
part 10: Number of subjects you need in waec and neco