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Fishery Obj
(i)hook and line
(i)Agricultural waste
(iii)Oil Pollution.
(iv)Radioactive Waste.
(v)Urban Development.
(i)They are relatively simple to build
(ii)Inexpensive per unit of surface area,
(iii)low maintenance is required
(i)A suitable method for feeding when floating feed is involved.
(ii)It is a smart way of feeding in large water body.
(iii)It is the best method of feeding when different species of fishes are stocked in the same pond.
(i)It helps the farmer to have firsthand knowledge of his fishes during feeding.
(ii)It helps farmer to reduce waste especially when sinking pelletized feed is used in feeding.
(iii)The health condition of a stock of fish can be assessed at a glance when they converged to feed.
(i) freshwater pond culture
(ii) rice-fish culture or integrated fish farming;
(iii) brackishwater finfish culture
(iv) mariculture involving extensive culture
(ii)Hook and Line
(iv)Grappling Devices
(ii)Canoe Seats
(iv)Gun wale
(i)Paddler; is used for moving the canoe
(ii)Canoe; seats are used for sitting
(iii)Thwarts; are mounted to the gunnels to provide added structural support for the canoe,
(iv)Gun wale; also provide a mounting surface to mount thing
(ii)Lead sinker
Food processing mostly involves both packaging and preservation, while food preservation is concerned with the control and elimination of the agents of food spoilage.
Scaling; Hold the fish firmly by the tail and scrape the knife from the tail to the head of the fish removing the scales in a stroking motion – they should flake off quite easily.
(ii)Gutting; begins with careful descaling from the tail to the head; then cutting it with a knife from a small hole in the stomach along
(iii)filleting; by skinning, grinding of skinned fillets and different combinations and cutting of fins and belly flaps, slicing of whole fish into steaks.
(i)improve food and nutrition security
(ii)increase income and improve livelihoods
(iii)promote economic growth and protect our environment and natural resources
(iv)Sustainable and productive fisheries and aquaculture.
(i)storage and sorting
(ii)transportation and buying
(iii)selling and packaging
(i)By preventing the growth of spoilage microorganisms in fish
(ii)By inhibiting/regulating the growth of those pathogenic of fish culture.
(iii)By spoilage and stability, shelf life extension
(i)It can increase the cost of water treatment for drinking and food processing.
(ii)It can harm fish and other aquatic life by reducing food supplies, degrading spawning beds, and affecting gill function.
(i)Fish mongers
(ii)Fishery area manager
(iii)Fish law enforcement agent
(iv)Water shed council co-ordinator
(v)Environmental educator
(i)Lining is important for weed control
(ii)Treating pond water
(iii)Lining enhance fertilization
(iv)Lining helps prevent wide swings of PH
(v)Lining adds calcium and magnesium
umar abubakar