If you have ever wondered how to apply for international passport and get it very fast in Nigeria , this article is for you. You are about to get the complete guide on how to get an international passport in Nigeria.
Generally, getting international passport in some States take longer than others. For example, it is faster to get an international passport when you apply in Lagos than In Edo State. This is due to the fact that the passports are not produced in Edo State.
Now, there are two ways you can apply for Nigerian international passport. It is either you apply online using the Nigeria immigration
official website or you apply physically by visiting any immigration office of your choice. I will explain how to go about both methods.
How To Apply For Nigerian International Passport Offline
Offline in this context means going to the immigration office yourself. This was the method I used to apply for my passport. An agent there will guide you through the whole process. However, it is more expensive than applying online.
You will need to submit a copy of the following documents to the immigration officer:
1. Your local government or state of origin Identification Letter.
2. Age declaration or Birth certificate
3. Marriage certificate or marriage declaration (for female applicants only) in some cases, you might need to provide newpaper publication of change of name.
4. Make photocopies of the valid international passport or your friend or relative together with his/ her national Identification card or driver’s license (this person will stand as your guarantor)
5. 2 passport photographs or 4-6 because of age and marriage declaration.
For those with E-passport applying for re-issue:
All you need to renew your expired passport is to take the expired passport and 2 passport photographs to the immigration office.
How To Apply For Nigerian International Passport Online
Like I stated earlier, applyng for international passport online is less stressful.
You may want to see the full procedures below:
1. Visit the Nigeria Immigration website and click the e-Passport application form.
2. Fill the Application form correctly.
3. Click the box that with “ I Accept full responsibility for the information provided “
4. Click the “PRINT” Button to print filled form.
5. Click on ‘Submit Application’ button to view ‘Applicant details page’
6. Click on “Proceed to Online Payment”
7. Enter your payment account details correctly.
8. After payment, you would be presented a Validation Number.
9. Keep the validation number for future use.You can also print a receipt by clicking the ‘Print the Receipt’ button
How To Use International Passport Validation Number:
After payment, having obtained the “Validation Number”, proceed to the NIS portal for confirmation of payment:
1. Go to the “Query your Application Payment Status” and enter your Passport Application ID and Reference No.
2. If a “Validation Number” field appears, enter the number from your ‘approved payment platform provider’ receipt.
3. Click the “Search Record” button and you will be sent to the “Applicant’s Details” page where a date for your interview has been generated.
4. You can now print a Receipt or an Acknowledgement Slip by using the buttons on this page. (You will need them for your interview).
5. You will be presented with your NIS e-receipt or Acknowledgement Slip in a new window. Click on “Print” button to send a copy to the printer.
Documents Required For Online International Passport Application
Just like the offline application method, the documents required for your Online Standard Passport application are:
1. Local Government letter of identification.
2. Birth certificate / age declaration.
3. 2 recent colour passport photographs
4. Guarantor’s form sworn to before a commissioner of Oaths / Magistrate / High Court Judge
5. Parents’ letter of consent for minors under 16 years
6. Marriage certificate where applicable
7. Police report in case of lost passport
8. Submit application with supporting documents to passport office / Embassy / High commission
For your Official Passport , you need the documents below:
1. Letter of introduction from appropriate State Government, Federal Government Ministry / Organization.
2. Marriage certificate where applicable
3. Police report in case of lost passport
4. Letter of appointment / last promotion .
5. Submit application with supporting documents to passport office / Embassy / High commission
Important Notice:
· Acknowledgment slip & payment receipt plus 2 recent photographs are applicable in all cases
· Print out copy of duly completed application form
· Take printed and signed application forms to Passport office / Embassy / High Commission for further processing
· A guarantor must attach the following documents
a. Photocopy of Data page of Nigerian standard Passport
b. Driving License or National Identity Card.
The Fastest Way To Get Your International Passport
I don’t know how you may feel about this, however, the fastest way to get your international passport is when you do it offline and are connected to a top immigration officer. This was how I got mine with the speed of light.
Now you may be asking, is it better to apply for passport online or at immigration office? Applying online is less stressful, but meeting the immigration officer one-on-one will help you monitor the progress of your passport and it is usually faster to get your passport ready.
How Much Does It Cost To Get International Passport In Nigeria?
The cost of international passport varies directly as the number of pages in it. I got my international passport in Edo State with the sum of thirty thousand naira (#30,000). See the breakdown as shown in immigration website below:
Booklet Type AGE 0 – 17 AGE 18 – 59 AGE 60+
32 Pages 8,750 15,000 8,750
64 Pages 20,000 20,000 20,000
How to Check If Your Passport Is Ready
When you apply through an agent, he/she will inform you immediately the passport is ready. Generally, the names of those whose passport are ready will be pasted in the immigration notice board.
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